RDBMS Expertise - Page 9
Upgrade Casssandra
Backup Cassandra
Pour sauvegarde incrémentale:
incremental_backups à true dans le fichier .yamlhttps://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/2.2/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml.html#configCassandra_yaml__incremental_backupsbackup :nodetool -h localhost -p 7199 snapshot mykeyspace
supprimer backup :nodetool -h localhost -p 7199 clearsnapshot
restaurer :
cp snapshots/1535397029191/* /path/to/keyspace1/standard1/sstableloader --nodes /var/lib/cassandra/loadme/keyspace1/standard1-f8a4fa30aa2a11e8af27091830ac5256/
https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/2.2/cassandra/tools/toolsBulkloader.html -
Assessment ora2pg
Assessment ora2pg :
ora2pg -t SHOW_REPORT -c ./config/ora2pg.conf --dump_as_html --cost_unit_value 5 --estimate_cost > ./reports/report.html
ora2pg -t SHOW_TABLE -c ./config/ora2pg.conf > ./reports/tables.txt
ora2pg -t SHOW_COLUMN -c ./config/ora2pg.conf > ./reports/columns.txtCompare source VS target
ora2pg --type TEST --count_rows --conf confia2pg.conf
Tuning ora2pg
On peut gagner du temps :
1-Si on purge
2-Si on exclut les tables vides
3-Si on calcule les stats
4-Si on ajoute de la mémoire chez Oracle
5-Si on utilise les options de parallélisme ora2pg
6-Si on modifie la valeur limite par défaut des données à exporter.
[PostgreSQL] Privilèges
Privs useful to any new user created.
[Postgres] How to Enable / Disable Archive Mode
L'extension oracle_fdw
#se connecter au serveur target
psql -U <muyser>
CREATE SERVER orasrv FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw (dbserver '<servername>:<port>/<SID>');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR <muyser> SERVER orasrv OPTIONS ( USER '<oracle_user>', PASSWORD 'xxxx');
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ext_<ORATBL> ( id int OPTIONS (key 'true'), name varchar(64), t_data timestamp) SERVER orasrv OPTIONS (SCHEMA '<ORAUSER>' , TABLE '<ORATBL>');
tuto : https://www.postgresql.fastware.com/postgresql-insider-fdw-ora-basPré requis :
- avoir une VM avec postgresql d'installé sur le meme VLAN qu'une base oracle avec Oracle instantclient-basic, instantclient-devel d'installé
- Ensure that pg_config is in your path, and ORACLE_HOME as well as LD_LIBRARY_PATH are configured
- avoir accès au compte postgres dans la bdd
- avoir accès à une base oracle en sysdba
- The <oracle_user> will obviously need CREATE SESSION privilege and the right to select from the table or view in question.Bon à savoir : If a NUMBER is converted to a boolean, 0 means false, everything else true.
[ora2pg] Assessment
To be able to say “Yeah, we migrate to PostgreSQL”, we have to be confident by studying the technical aspects of it.
For that, we assess the feasibility of the migration from oracle to postgres.
The assessments consist in validating the :
- Metadata structure and datatypes
- Data consistency
- Data integrity
For this, we use the free tool called ora2Pg.
On tire la chasse et on nettoie ?
Calcul stats PostgreSQL
for tablename in $(psql -U postgres -h $2 -d $1 -t -c "select table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema='sche_admin' order by _table asc"); do
echo $tablename
psql -U postgres -h $2 -d $1 -c "analyze ${tablename};"
psql -U postgres -h $2 -d $1 -c "select count(*) ${tablename} from ${tablename};" >> compte_pgsql.log
En // :
vacuumdb --port=$PORT --username=$PG_USER --analyze-only --verbose --jobs=4 $PG_DATABASE