RDBMS Expertise - Page 8
[ORACLE] Preupgrade fixups
[Cassandra] Changer mot de passe, changer nom de cluster
Changer mot de passe :
modifier paramètres dans yaml :
truststore_passwordChanger de nom de cluster :
1 -UPDATE system.local SET cluster_name = '<cluster_name>' where key='local';
2- nodetool flush system (recommended)
3. cluster_name update cassandra.yaml the name for the new cluster4. Restart cassandra cluster -
[Postgres] User Privs
SELECT grantee AS user, CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name) AS table,
WHEN COUNT(privilege_type) = 7 THEN 'ALL'
ELSE ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(privilege_type), ', ')
END AS grants
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
GROUP BY table_name, table_schema, grantee; -
[Postgresql]Explain plan analyzer
Analyser un explain plan
[PostgreSQL]Un peu plus sur les indexes
PoWA (PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer) is a performance tool for PostgreSQL 9.4 and newer allowing to collect, aggregate and purge statistics on multiple PostgreSQL instances from various Stats Extensions.
[ora2pg] Conversion datatype
Conversion datatype
useful to convert object into postgresql
[Postgres] Afficher plus d'infos
postgres=> dtvsi+
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table | Size | Description -
[POSTGRES] Privs d'un ROLE R/W
Exemple de création d'un rôle R/W avec les privileges.
[Postgres] Trouver les schemas
select nspname
from pg_catalog.pg_namespace where nspname not like 'pg%' and nspname <> 'information_schema'; -
[Postgres] Privilege par user
WITH "names"("name") AS ( SELECT n.nspname AS "name" FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema' ) SELECT "name", pg_catalog.has_schema_privilege(current_user, "name", 'CREATE') AS "create", pg_catalog.has_schema_privilege(current_user, "name", 'USAGE') AS "usage" FROM "names";