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RDBMS Expertise - Page 5

  • POST MIGRATION ajouter un booleen

    # changer type en booleen
    alter table "<your_table>"
    alter column "<your_column>"
    set data type boolean
    using case
        when "<your_column>" = '1' then true
        when "<your_column>" = '0' then false
        else null


    alter database <dbname> set search_path = "$user", public, <schema> ;

    # post migration pour un schema

    for tablename in $(psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -t -c "select table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema='<schema>' order by _table asc"); 
     echo $tablename
     psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -c "analyze ${tablename};"
     psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -c "select count(*) ${tablename} from ${tablename};" >> rowcount.log

    # post migration pour plusieurs schemas



     for tablename in $(psql -U postgres -h $host -d $dbname -t -c "select table_schema||'.'||table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema in $schema order by _table asc");
            echo "psql -U postgres -h $host -d $dbname -t -c "select table_schema||'.'||table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema in $schema order by _table asc""
            echo $tablename
              psql -U postgres -h ${host} -d ${dbname} -c "analyze ${tablename};"
              psql -U postgres -h ${host} -d ${dbname} -c "select count(*) as nr_rows, '${tablename}' as tablename from ${tablename};" >> logs/rowcount.log

    #update sequ

    1-    Récupérer la séquence sur Oracle : 
    SELECT sequence_name, last_number FROM user_sequences; 
    2-    Mettre à jour la séquence sur Postgres : 
    SELECT setval('<nom_sequence',<last_number> , true); 

  • Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration) 

    Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration) 

    #change table owner
    for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do  psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter table "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done

    #change sequence owner
    for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do  psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter sequence "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done

  • Status instance postgres

    POSTGRES_IS_RUNNING=$(export PGPASSWORD=${PG_PWD}; psql --host=${MACH_DEST} --port=${PORT} --user=${PG_USER} --dbname=postgres --quiet --tuples-only --no-psqlrc --command "SELECT 1;" 2>/dev/null)

    INSTANCE_STATUS=$(export PGPASSWORD=${PG_PWD}; psql --host=${MACH_DEST} --port=${PORT} --user=${PG_USER} --dbname=postgres --quiet --tuples-only --no-psqlrc --command="SELECT CASE pg_is_in_recovery() WHEN true THEN 'IN RECOVERY' ELSE 'OPEN' END;" 2>/dev/null)

  • Ora2PG script creation project

    # Script to create an ora2pg project
    # Author : JJY
    #set -vx
    echo " "
    echo " Welcome in the program to create a migration project. "
    echo " "
    echo " Write the working environment (dev/qa/prd) :"
    echo " "
    read env
    echo " "
    echo " Write the name of your asset :"
    echo " "
    read base
    echo " "
    mkdir -p $ORA2PG_HOME/$env
    ora2pg --project_base $ORA2PG_HOME/$env --init_project $base -c $ORA2PG_CONF
    #cp $ORA2PG_HOME/config/commonstruct.conf $ORA2PG_HOME/$env/$base/config/metadata_ora2pg.conf
    #cp $ORA2PG_HOME/config/commondata.conf $ORA2PG_HOME/$env/$base/config/data_ora2pg.conf
    echo " "
    echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    echo " Working environment created for $base: $ORA2PG_HOME/$env/$base"
    echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    echo " "
    echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    echo " The file  $ORA2PG_HOME/$env/$base/config/metadata_ora2pg.conf         "
    echo " and  $ORA2PG_HOME/$env/$base/config/data_ora2pg.conf have to be fixed."
    echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    exit 0