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Asking information about a concept

hello I am wondering how english people feel the concept of boyfriend / girlfriend and sex friend.
I understood that for you, a sex friend is person who you have sex with , and there are no feelings...necessary
I understand that a boyfriend and a girlfriend is a person who you have feelings and sex with ...
OK with that ?
But with the new concept of sex friend , is it possible that a english girl say , I have a girlfriend, but I don't have sex with?? And she could say , I have sex with another person , it is my sex friend?
Because here in France, it is not possible, when you say that you have a girlfriend, we say "petite amie", and when you say that you have a sex friend , we didn't find a good translation because we are scared to say "copain de baise" it is rough, so we still say "sex friend" and every body is happy.
In France , when you say to someone that you have a girlfriend it means of course that you have sex with her. I m talking to adults over 21's here not teenagers.
So now do you know what I mean? Can you explain me ? If a girl says on a chat " HI , I introduce you my girlfriend ..." on a snap chat , it means that she has sex with her or not? and if not can I have a little hope ?? lol
Enjoy your day

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