Toute la classe de toto fait des dessins et la maîtresse vérifie pour chacun d'eux, quand arrive le tour de Toto, elle regarde son dessin et ne voit rien sur la feuille,
la maîtresse lui demanda alors :
- Pourquoi tu n'as rien fais ?
- Si j'ai dessiné, répondit toto, j'avais dessiné des vaches avec de l' herbe, mais après les vaches on tout brouté et puis elles sont parties.
I am new to this and fairly recently tried a dog at a friend's house after several glasses of wine. It was the most amazing sex ever! Now am thinking we need a dog. I now have a dog of my own, Ralph the Mutt. The dog experience is. . . profound. I responded in a deep way that I have not experienced with a human being of either sex. Being penetrated like an animal by an animal seems to have awakened something deep in me. All has worked out very well and I am able to have sex with Ralph any time I or he wants. It's now 3 months after I wrote this, and I have trained Ralph so that he knows I am completely accessible unless I am fully dressed. Most of the time around the house I just wear a long t-shirt so he can mount me pretty much any time he wants. Sometimes on weekends he will mount me 4 or 5 times. Whenever he wants to breed me he sticks his nose between my legs unter my t-shirt and begins licking. If I let loose a little pee, he goes nuts and so do I. When he wants to breed, he just mounts me and pounds me hard. I can't remember exactly when I wrote the paragraph above, but I have delved deeper and deeper into bestiality. I love that word because I feel like such an uninhibited animal myself. I have become a dogslut, if that is the correct term. Now I love my husband, but he does not make me cum nearly as hard or as often as Ralph. So, hubby and I no longer have sex in the conventional way. I belong to the dog to mount and breed as he wants. It's incredibly erotic to be so open and available to him. Lest you feel sorry for hubby, he is doing fine. He no longer feels any responsibility for my sexual satisfaction, which has liberated him to enjoy his own. |