- LegalTorrents.com (As the name implies, this is a database of public-domain content. Thanks to Anand S. for this URL.)
- Torrentscan.com (a "meta-search" engine, which is a search engine that searches other search engines)
- Torrentportal.com
- Demonoid Nov 9, 2007 update: The CRIA has threated Demonoid's ISP. Accordingly, Demonoid has shut down entirely for the time being. This is a sad day for torrent downloaders everywhere.
Sep. 26, 2007 update: Canadian users can no longer access Demonoid.com. Details are forthcoming, but their Canadian ISP shut them down by court order. The Canadian Recording Industry Association is behind this court order.
- Snarf It! (born from previous Suprnova influences)
- Scrapetorrent.com is another torrent meta-search engine that is gaining popularity.
- Torrentspy.com September 2007 update: Torrentspy has declared that it will be forbidding American users from doing searches on its website, under pressure from the MPAA.
- Isohunt.com
September, 2007: Isohunt is barring American users from connecting to American torrent trackers. American users, however, can still use Isohunt to find torrents, and connect to third party trackers.
July, 2007: Isohunt has over 450,000 torrents in their database. Also noteworthy: any Isohunt torrent listed as "ISOhunt release" means that it is a file verified by the administrators...a nice feature to help you locate authentic torrents and not fake files. On a sad note: Isohunt is being sued by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) for copyright infringement. If you want to use this tremendous Canadian site, you better use it while you can.
- Torrentmatrix.com
- Mininova.org has 190,000 torrents indexed as of April, 2007. Mininova is the successor to Suprnova, one of the original big torrent databases of the Web.
- Torrentreactor.to (Torrentreactor has made a comeback from a hijacking and an uncooperative hosting service. They have moved to a different server setup and a Tonga country domain outside the USA. Read the details on their home page.)
- Torrentz.com (special thanks to reader, Jonathan R., for this link)
- Torrents.to
- Torrentbox.com FYI: like Isohunt, Torrentbox is being sued by the MPAA as of February 28, 2006. The days for this fine search engine may be numbered.
- BTjunkie
- TorrentTyphoon.com (a unique bittorrent meta-search engine that searches several of the most popular sites. Unfortunately, it does not do a good job categorizing the torrent files themselves)
- The Pirate Bay (Pirate Bay, by readership size, is the most popular torrent search site today. Pirate Bay has an immense database of 600,000+ torrents, the largest database at this time.)
(May 31, 2006: The Pirate Bay has been shut down by Swedish authorities. Details are available on the Pirate Bay home page.)
(June 2006: The Pirate Bay has restarted operations, now that the police have duplicated the PB hard drives for forensic purposes. Enjoy this database while it is still around, folks!)
- ByTorrents Meta Search
- Thinktorrent.com
- FileList.org
Moteurs de recherche Torrent
A l'affiche au 24 septembre 2007
Date de sortie : 19 Septembre 2007
Les films sortis à cette date...
Réalisé par Damien Odoul
Film français.
Genre : Drame
Durée : 1h 15min.
Année de production : 2007
Interdit aux moins de 16 ans
Distribué par Bac Films