* PDB can act as a recovery catalog
* Recovery catalog is not supported when connected to pluggable database
* You must register the whole CDB agains the PDB catalog
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* PDB can act as a recovery catalog
* Recovery catalog is not supported when connected to pluggable database
* You must register the whole CDB agains the PDB catalog
alter trigger RMAN.VPC_CONTEXT_TRG disable;
=> marche pas :(
lancer :
@?/rdbms/admin/dbmsrmanvpc.sql -vpd rman
Migrate database from One RMAN catalog to another RMAN catalog
La commande de backup full rman avec une stratégie de backup incrémentale (c'est à dire chaque jour une nouvelle sauvegarde ) est :
backup incremental level 0 device type disk database;
Oracle 11G comes with some additional checks for integrity checking. Can be done at database, tablespace, datafile, controlfile and block level.
source : http://www.online-database.eu/index.php/oracle-11g/139-validate-physical-and-logical-consistency
Liste des commandes utiles RMAN