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Migration from Oracle Legacy to postgreSQL dMZR

Migration from Oracle Legacy to postgreSQL dMZR

//on the ora2Pg management server : 

0- prerequisite 

create role role_own_DB login;


1 - export schema

gives the metadata


// on the dMZR jump server (inside ibm cloud)

2 - create the roles in hashicorp vault ( script : new_deploy.sh) 

create the roles : dba/own/app


//on the ora2Pg management server : 

3 - import schema (script : automation.sh)

import the metadata and upload the data inside the DB postgresql.

4 - backup the postgresql database (pg_dump)

pg_dump --format custom --clean --no-owner --no-privileges apro > bckp_DB.dmp

5 - transfert the backup to dMZR jump server


// on the dMZR jump server 

5 - restore only the schema (metadata and data)  on ibmclouddb (pg_restore)

pg_restore --role=role_own_DB -n <schemaTOIMPORT> -d ibmclouddb bckp_DB.dmp

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