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Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration) 

Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration) 

#change table owner
for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do  psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter table "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done

#change sequence owner
for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do  psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter sequence "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done

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