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Dataguard - qqs commandes bien utiles

Source : https://valehagayev.wordpress.com/2016/07/09/dataguard-commands-and-sql-scripts/

start redo apply in foreground

stop redo apply process on the Standby database (to stop MRP)

start real-time redo apply

start redo apply in background

check redo apply  and Media recovery service status

gather Data Guard configuration information(standby)

calculate the Redo bytes per second

check status of Data Guard synchronization(standby)

verify there is no log file gap between the primary and the standby database

verify that the primary database can be switched to the standby role

convert the primary database into a physical standby

verify Managed Recovery is running on the standby

show information about the protection mode, the protection level, the role of the database, and switchover status

On the standby database, query the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view to identify existing files in the archived redo log

On the standby database, query the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view to verify the archived redo log files were applied.

To determine which log files were not received by the standby site.



MRP : Managed Recovery Process


et bien plus encore sur le DG Broker .

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