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Détecter et éliminer les migrations d'enregistrement

source 1: http://blog.go-faster.co.uk/2009/01/detecting-and-fixing-row-migration.html

source 2 : http://www.akadia.com/services/ora_chained_rows.html

source 3 : extrait du livre Oracle 12C admin

FOR x IN (
SELECT owner, table_name, num_rows
FROM   all_tables t
WHERE  1=1
AND    NOT table_name IN(SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM chained_rows)
AND    num_rows >= 1000000
AND    num_rows BETWEEN 100000 AND 1000000
AND    temporary = 'N'
DELETE FROM chained_rows
WHERE owner_name = x.owner
AND table_name = x.table_name;

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ANALYZE TABLE '||x.owner||'.'||x.table_name
||' LIST CHAINED ROWS INTO chained_rows';

Having identified the migrated rows, I produced a simple report

SELECT /*+LEADING(c)*/ c.*, t.num_rows
, c.chained_rows/t.num_rows*100 pct_chained
, t.pct_free, t.pct_used
, 100-FLOOR((100-t.pct_free)*(1-c.chained_rows/t.num_rows)) new_pct_free
SELECT owner_name, table_name, COUNT(*) chained_rows
FROM chained_rows c
GROUP BY owner_name, table_name) c
, all_tables t
WHERE t.owner = c.owner_name
AND   t.table_name = c.table_name
AND   t.num_rows > 0
ORDER BY chained_rows desc, 1,2

The last column of the report is a calculated new value for PCTFREE. The amount of in a block that can be used to insert new rows (100-PCTFREE) space used is scaled back by the proportion of migrated rows.

NB: This approach doesn't take chained rows into account. Chained rows are too big to fit in a single block under any circumstances, as opposed to migrated rows that could have fitted in a block had there been space. However, Oracle counts both types and stores the result in the column CHAIN_CNT.

Chained   Number             %    %   New
Owner    Table Name                 Rows  of Rows %Chained Free Used %Free
-------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---- ---- -----
MY_APP   MY_TABLE                 239667  1193233     20.1   10   40    29

The script then generates certain commands for each table. First the table is rebuilt by moving it to the same tablespace.

I specify PCTFREE as 1. Usually, the whole table does not need to be rebuilt with the new higher value for PCTFREE. Most of the rows are fully populated and generally will not grow further because they have already migrated. Setting a high value for PCTFREE will simply result in leaving a lot of free space, and result in Oracle reading more blocks for the same data. Instead, I set a low value for PCTFREE in order to pack the data into the minimum number of blocks.


Fin de source 1.

First count the number of Rows per Block before the ALTER TABLE MOVE

SELECT dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) "Block-Nr", count(*) "Rows"
  FROM row_mig_chain_demo
GROUP BY dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) order by 1;

 Block-Nr        Rows
---------- ----------
      2066          3

Now, de-chain the table, the ALTER TABLE MOVE rebuilds the row_mig_chain_demo table in a new segment, specifying new storage parameters:

ALTER TABLE row_mig_chain_demo MOVE
            NEXT 40K
            MINEXTENTS 2
            MAXEXTENTS 20
            PCTINCREASE 0);

Table altered.

Again count the number of Rows per Block after the ALTER TABLE MOVE

SELECT dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) "Block-Nr", count(*) "Rows"
  FROM row_mig_chain_demo
GROUP BY dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) order by 1;

 Block-Nr        Rows
---------- ----------
      2322          1
      2324          1
      2325          1

Fin source 2.

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