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RDBMS Expertise - Page 31

  • Ajouter une image dans une base

    procédure stockée pour ajouter une image de cul  dans la table GONZO de ma base de données PORNO :


    create or replace procedure ajoute_image_X
        nom_fichier in VARCHAR2,
        p_id_image in VARCHAR2,
        p_nom_actrice in VARCHAR2,
        p_no_film in VARCHAR2,
        p_mensuration in INTEGER
        dest_secure     BLOB;
        file_dest         BFILE;
        blob_size         INTEGER;
        extension         VARCHAR2(3);
            file_loc := BFILENAME ('BFILE_DATA', nom_fichier);
            DBMS_LOB.FILEOPEN (file_dest);
            blob_size := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH (file_dest);
            extension := substr(nom_fichier, -3, 3);

            INSERT INTO GONZO (
            VALUES (
                RETURNING CONTENU INTO dest_secure;

            DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE (dest_secure, file_dest, blob_size);
            DBMS_LOB.FILECLOSE (file_dest);

    END ajoute_image_X;

  • Insérer plusieurs données bidon

    SQL> set timing on

    SQL> set autotrace traceonly

    SQL> insert into rd

      2  select

      3       (dbms_random.value(1,1.99999999999999999999999999999999999999)) r_id,

      4       dbms_random.string('U',20) r_string from dual

      5  connect by level <=100000

      6  /

    source : https://community.oracle.com/thread/3696816

  • Library Cache Miss

    Explaination of

    • Misses in library cache during parse
      • (Misses while looking for plan in library cache–Hard parse)
    • Misses in library cache during execute
      • (Misses while about to execute the plan and found it missing/invalid in library cache)

    source : https://jonathanlewis.wordpress.com/2007/07/19/library-cache-miss/

  • Mise en trace oracle , Tuning avec TKPROF

    Pour tracer les requêtes SQL dans une base Oracle il faut passer la commande :
    execute dbms_monitor.database_trace_enable(waits=>TRUE,binds=>TRUE,instance_name=>'QUALIF');
    Pour stopper la trace :
    execute dbms_monitor.database_trace_disable(instance_name=>'QUALIF');
    La trace sera stockée sous :
    Elle pourra être lisible avec tkprof  :
    Syntaxe : tkprof <nom_de_la_trace> <nom_du_fichier_texte_lisible> sys=no  
    $tkprof QUALIF_ora_7767.trc QUALIF_ora_7767.txt sys=no  
    L’option sys = no ne garde pas les requêtes lancées par l’utilisateur sys.


    source : http://www.dbrev.com/dbBlog/2014/12/31/how-to-enable-various-level-of-trace-in-oracle-11g-database/


    tuning avec tkprof : https://oracle.developpez.com/guide/tuning/tkprof/

  • Show replication status in PostgreSQL



    select client_addr, state, sent_location, write_location,
            flush_location, replay_location from pg_stat_replication;

    This query can output can be like this:

    postgres=# select client_addr, state, sent_location,write_location, flush_location, replay_location, sync_priority from pg_stat_replication;
  • Disable Streaming Replication without restarting either master or slave

    I understand the way things work currently, but would it not be more
    convenient to let the replication be stopped and started from SQL commands

    On Master:

    select pg_pause_streaming_replication(slave_fqdn);
    select pg_resume_streaming_replication(slave_fqdn);

    On Slave:

    select pg_pause_streaming_replication();
    select pg_pause_streaming_replication();

    If Cascaded Streaming Replication is confugured, then

    On Slave:

    select pg_start_streaming_replication(cascaded_slave_fqdn);
    select pg_stop_streaming_replication(cascaded_slave_fqdn);

    Or an OS executable [ either in the core or a contrib module] like

    pg_replication -p primary_fqdn -s slave_fqdn -a pause
    pg_replication -p primary_fqdn -s slave_fqdn -a resume
    pg_replication -p primary_fqdn -s slave_fqdn -a setup

    [ the last one would awesome; and i do not think that it is impossible, and
    would be loved by one and all ]

  • bonne blague

    Toute la classe de toto fait des dessins et la maîtresse vérifie pour chacun d'eux, quand arrive le tour de Toto, elle regarde son dessin et ne voit rien sur la feuille,
    la maîtresse lui demanda alors :
    - Pourquoi tu n'as rien fais ?
    - Si j'ai dessiné, répondit toto, j'avais dessiné des vaches avec de l' herbe, mais après les vaches on tout brouté et puis elles sont parties.

    Lire la suite

  • Asking information about a concept

    hello I am wondering how english people feel the concept of boyfriend / girlfriend and sex friend.
    I understood that for you, a sex friend is person who you have sex with , and there are no feelings...necessary
    I understand that a boyfriend and a girlfriend is a person who you have feelings and sex with ...
    OK with that ?
    But with the new concept of sex friend , is it possible that a english girl say , I have a girlfriend, but I don't have sex with?? And she could say , I have sex with another person , it is my sex friend?
    Because here in France, it is not possible, when you say that you have a girlfriend, we say "petite amie", and when you say that you have a sex friend , we didn't find a good translation because we are scared to say "copain de baise" it is rough, so we still say "sex friend" and every body is happy.
    In France , when you say to someone that you have a girlfriend it means of course that you have sex with her. I m talking to adults over 21's here not teenagers.
    So now do you know what I mean? Can you explain me ? If a girl says on a chat " HI , I introduce you my girlfriend ..." on a snap chat , it means that she has sex with her or not? and if not can I have a little hope ?? lol
    Enjoy your day