All About the SQLT Diagnostic Tool (Doc ID 215187.1)
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All About the SQLT Diagnostic Tool (Doc ID 215187.1)
script à lancer sous SQLT :
Méthode classique :
spool hist_sess.html
set markup html on
alter session set nls_timestamp_format='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI';
select * from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY where sample_time between '2020-03-09 18:00' and '2020-03-12 17:01';
set markup html off
spool off
set serveroutput on size unlimited
spool awr_8408_8478.txt
dbid number := 644588240; -- a remplacer par ton dbid
instance_id number := 1;
l_premier number := 8408;
l_dernier number := 8478;
end_id number;
for start_id in l_premier..l_dernier loop
end_id := start_id + 1;
for awrreport in ( select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(dbid,instance_id,start_id,end_id)) )
end loop;
end loop;
spool off
tracer un sql id :
exec dbms_sqldiag.dump_trace(p_sql_id=>'tamere',p_child_number=>0,p_component=>'Compiler',p_file_id=>'');
Pour connaître les infos des stats dans la base Oracle.
Désolé J-F tu avais raison :
Re-querying v$session_wait
, I see that a couple of latches are hot. I will consider one latch children with latch address 19875043200
as an example, and drill down further.
Next, I needed to find buffers protected by these latch children, and then find the buffers causing latch contention. Many such hash buckets (and so, numerous buffers) are protected by a latch children.
I don’t favour the above script, since its performance is not optimal. It is much easier to dump the blocks and convert them to object ids. Let’s dump these three blocks.
Now I can query dba_objects
to find the object_names
my client called me. Help I m doing big insert on partitionned tables and it s running very low.
Beside that the statement is faster during the midnight.