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Postgresql - Page 4
[Postgres] Mesure the bloat
[Postgres] Spot a missing postgreSQL index
--tuto tuning psql
--Spot a missing PostgreSQL indexSELECT
relname AS TableName,
to_char(seq_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalSeqScan,
to_char(idx_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalIndexScan,
to_char(n_live_tup, '999,999,999,999') AS TableRows,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass)) AS TableSize
FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE schemaname = 'public'
AND 50 * seq_scan > idx_scan -- more than 2%
AND n_live_tup > 10000
AND pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass) > 5000000
ORDER BY relname ASC;--To find unused index in a db
relname AS table,
indexrelname AS index,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid)) AS index_size,
idx_scan as index_scans
FROM pg_stat_user_indexes ui
JOIN pg_index i ON ui.indexrelid = i.indexrelid
WHERE NOT indisunique AND idx_scan =0 AND pg_relation_size(relid) > 5 * 8192
ORDER BY pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) / nullif(idx_scan, 0) DESC NULLS FIRST,
pg_relation_size(i.indexrelid) DESC;
--returns the tables which have been hit by sequential scans the most and tells us how many rows a sequential scan has hit on average.
SELECT schemaname,
seq_tup_read / seq_scan AS avg
FROM pg_stat_user_tables
WHERE seq_scan > 0
ORDER BY seq_tup_read DESC;--Finding slow queries to be executed on pgadmin
SELECT query,
FROM pg_stat_statements
ORDER BY total_exec_time DESC; -
Migration assessment
Migration assessment
[Postgres] Découverte d'une DB
Découverte d'une base postgres
PostgreSQL in IBM Cloud.
Création d'une base postgresql avec role hvault en mode batch dans le cloud IBM..
Migration of Synonyms from Oracle to PostgreSQL
Migration from Oracle Legacy to postgreSQL dMZR
Migration from Oracle Legacy to postgreSQL dMZR
POST MIGRATION ajouter un booleen
# changer type en booleen
alter table "<your_table>"
alter column "<your_column>"
set data type boolean
using case
when "<your_column>" = '1' then true
when "<your_column>" = '0' then false
else null
end;alter database <dbname> set search_path = "$user", public, <schema> ;
# post migration pour un schema
for tablename in $(psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -t -c "select table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema='<schema>' order by _table asc");
echo $tablename
psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -c "analyze ${tablename};"
psql -U postgres -h <hostname> -d <dbname> -c "select count(*) ${tablename} from ${tablename};" >> rowcount.log
done# post migration pour plusieurs schemas
for tablename in $(psql -U postgres -h $host -d $dbname -t -c "select table_schema||'.'||table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema in $schema order by _table asc");
echo "psql -U postgres -h $host -d $dbname -t -c "select table_schema||'.'||table_name as _table from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema in $schema order by _table asc""
echo $tablename
psql -U postgres -h ${host} -d ${dbname} -c "analyze ${tablename};"
psql -U postgres -h ${host} -d ${dbname} -c "select count(*) as nr_rows, '${tablename}' as tablename from ${tablename};" >> logs/rowcount.log
#update sequ1- Récupérer la séquence sur Oracle :
SELECT sequence_name, last_number FROM user_sequences;
2- Mettre à jour la séquence sur Postgres :
SELECT setval('<nom_sequence',<last_number> , true); -
Difference between Clustered and Non-clustered index
link Difference between Clustered and Non-clustered index (
Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration)
Modify the owner of the tables and the sequences (post migration)
#change table owner
for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter table "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done
#change sequence owner
for tbl in `psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = '<your_schema>';" <database>` ; do psql -h $SERVER$DOMAIN -p $PORT -U <dbauser> -c "alter sequence "$tbl" owner to <your_role>" <database>; done